
April Fools

Post Count: 48

In this episode of WCSO we introduce our characters and the daily operations of the department as we continue to build our world. It is April of 2023 and the spring is getting off to a rainy start in the Outer Banks.

Preparing for Summer

Post Count: 9

May is the traditional ramp-up for the Outer Banks, with businesses closed for the winter beginning to return, the locals preparing for a new tourist season, and weekenders and those who stay for the summer either returning or preparing to make their return activity around the county will begin to increase.

The Williams County Sheriff's office begins to prepare for summer and ensure all the summer equipment is up and running. Deputies requalify on ATVs and other equipment. The marine unit dusts off their craft and prepare to begin daily patrols once again. Weekends become busier.

From Our Past

Post Count: 4

What happened in the lives of our characters before April 2023.

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