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21 Apr 2024 @ 11:29

Corporal Miguel De Leon

Name Miguel Feliciano De Leon

Position Deputy Sheriff (Bilingual)

Rank Corporal

Character Information

Gender Male
Nationality/Race Latino American
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 5" 11"
Weight 176
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Miguel is an Army veteran who served with distinction in the Green Berets before joining the WCSO. He enjoys being on patrol and he goes above and beyond when helping others. Being a combat veteran, Miguel struggles with PTSD, but he actively works to keep his condition under control. He is mostly quiet and reserved, preferring to let his work speak for him. He is a black belt in taekwondo and is an expert marksman. He is happily married and has a five-year-old son. Miguel likes to keep his work and personal lives separate.


Spouse Gwen Michelle De Leon (Wife)
Children Son: Mateo Reynaldo De Leon - Age 5
Father Jose Christiano De Leon
Mother Griselda De Leon (nee Tesoro)
Siblings(s) None
Extended Family None
Significant Relationships None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Miguel is the only son to parents who immigrated to the US from Mexico when he was five years old. He grew up in Los Angeles before joining the U.S. Army. He is devoted to a life of service to his family, his community, and his country. His native tongue is Spanish, but he is fluent in English with no noticeable accent. His time spent in the Army taught him to keep himself physically fit which he does so by participating in Taekwondo and other kickboxing arts. Owing to his heritage, Miguel is also a practicing Roman Catholic.
Hobbies & Interests Miguel is an avid kickboxer, proficient in Taekwondo as well as Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. In his off time, he enjoys spending time with his family.

Personal History Miguel Feliciano De Leon was born on December 12, 1987 in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico. He is the only child to parents Jose and Griselda De Leon. Miguel has very few memories of growing up in Mexico. When he was five years old, his parents immigrated to the US and settled in Los Angeles. His father found work as a iron worker with a construction company while his mother worked as a night janitor for a local hospital. Since his parents both worked full time, Miguel spent a lot of time alone and being cared for by neighbors. While he had no family in the US, Miguel has always considered the community he grew up in as an extended family. Money was always a concern for his family, though his parents worked hard and saved every bit to make sure Miguel never went without. He was raised to be proud of his heritage, and he was instilled with the hard work and determination that he saw in his parents. Miguel was also raised in the Catholic church. As he grew older, he happened to be passing by a Taekwondo dojo one day and decided to try his hand at martial arts. While his parents could not afford to pay for his classes, Miguel offered to help clean the dojo after classes to pay his way. He found he had a natural fighting ability, especially since his opponents always tended to underestimate his skills. He received his black belt at age 17, and won several local competitions. Throughout high school, Miguel also participated in athletics where he played football as a defensive linebacker.

From a young age, Miguel felt a call to service. The community he was raised in always looked out for each other, and his parents raised him to always help those who were in need. When he was in highschool, became interested in the U.S. Army. While his parents were not overly enthusiastic, they supported his decision to enlist. Serving in the military would also increase his ability to obtain U.S. citizenship which would open many doors for their son. After graduating, he enlisted in the U.S. Army. He was sent to One Station Unit Training for infantry soldiers at Fort Benning, Georgia where he graduated in the top of his recruit class. Miguel excelled at military life since he was physically fit, but he also was a team player. He showed great leadership potential and helped those in his class by motivating them. After basic training, Miguel’s first assignment was to 4th Platoon, Bravo Company, 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division in Fort Riley, Kansas. In 2006, Miguel was deployed with his regiment to Iraq where he participated in training new recruits with the Iraqi Army. Upon completion of his tour, he received a commendation and was recommended to attend the next Special Forces Assessment and Selection class upon returning to the States. He also received his US citizenship after serving the required length of time.

While arduous and grueling, Miguel completed SFAS training and received his Airborne and Ranger tab along with the coveted Green Beret and Special Forces tab of the US Army Special Forces. He was stationed at Fort Bragg with the 3rd Special Forces Group in North Carolina. It was here where he met his future wife, Gwen Tate. Miguel fell head over heels for her and shortly before his deployment to Afghanistan, they married in a small ceremony with a few family and friends. He was then deployed to Afghanistan where his company was tasked with locating high value targets in Helman province. During a routine reconnaissance mission, Miguel’s platoon was ambushed by Al Qaeda insurgents, and Miguel was wounded in action. While still in the fight, he managed to pull another wounded member of his squad to safety while exposing himself to enemy fire. His friend would later die in his arms as the platoon was evacuated. This event scarred him for the rest of his life as Miguel struggled to cope with his loss. His wounds had him sent to Germany to recover before he could return to Afghanistan. He received a Bronze star for valor as well as a purple heart before he returned to Afghanistan. After being wounded in action again, he was sent back to Fort Bragg where he was medically discharged from the Army in 2015.

After his discharge, Miguel and his family moved to Williams County for his wife's career. He still felt the call to service, and he decided to apply to the Williams County Sheriff's Office in 2016.
Service Record 2005: Enlisted - U.S. Army

2005: One Station Unit Training, US Army Infantry School - Fort Benning, Georgia

2005 - 2007: Private First Class, 4th Platoon, Bravo Company, 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division - Fort Riley, Kansas

2006: Deployed to Iraq
- Received US Citizenship

2007: Corporal, Special Forces Assessment and Selection - Fort Bragg, North Carolina

2008 - 2011: Sergeant, 3rd Special Forces Group - Fort Bragg, North Carolina

2011 - 2015: Sergeant First Class, 3rd Special forces Group - Deployed to Afghanistan
- Received Bronze Star for Valor
- Awarded two Purple Hearts for wounds sustained in combat

2015: Medical Discharge from U.S. Army, Sergeant First Class

2016: Cadet, Williams County Sheriff's Office

2016 - 2017: Detention Officer, Williams County Sheriff's Office

2017: Attended North Carolina BLET course, Promoted to Patrol Deputy

2017 - 2018: Deputy I, Patrol Bureau, WCSO

2018 - 2019: Deputy II, Patrol Bureau, WCSO

2019 - 2021: Deputy III, Patrol Bureau, WCSO

2021: Promoted to Corporal, assigned as FTO in Patrol Bureau

2021 - Present: Corporal, Patrol Bureau, WCSO