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07 Jun 2024 @ 0:19

Cadet Sergeant Maria Castillo

Name Maria Carmen Castillo

Position Cadet Unit Commander

Rank Cadet Sergeant

Character Information

Gender Female
Nationality/Race Mexican
Age 20
Date of Birth July 16, 2003

Physical Appearance

Height 5'3"
Weight 131
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Amber
Physical Description Image to be uploaded and physical description to follow.


Spouse Unmarried
Children N/A
Father Santiago Castillo
Mother Maria Natividad Perez Castillo
Siblings(s) Juan Pablo Castillo
Francisco Castillo
Extended Family Carmen comes from a large extended family some of whom still reside in northern Mexico.
Significant Relationships Sergeant Reyes - Friend and Mentor

Personality & Traits

General Overview Reserved and observant by nature, Carmen has worked hard to develop an assertive and extroverted nature. She is always ready to lend a hand to colleagues and members of the community.
Ambitions Carmen is still in the process of identifying future goals and objectives, especially in her professional career. She plans to applying for a Deputy position upon graduation and aging out of the Cadet program. She knows that she would like to focus part of her early career on developing relationship between the Sheriffs' and the local community in programs like DARE and other community engagements she recalls from her own childhood.
Hobbies & Interests Carmen is eclectic regarding her hobbies and interests. From her youngest days of memory, she can recall tending the family garden with her parents and preparing family recipes in the kitchen with her mother. She also considers herself a woman of faith and regularly attends liturgy at the nearest Catholic parish. When time allows, she values volunteer activities which support her local community: soup kitchen, Boys and Girls Club, and supporting immigrants in learning English and acculturation. At home, after hours, Carmen can be found with a good book, socializing with friends and family, or exploring new culinary cuisine. She has learned the value of trying new things and is always open to expand her horizons and make new friends.

Personal History Carmen was the youngest child born into a family of migrant workers from Northern Mexico. After her birth, the family settled down in the Pacific Northwest where seasonal work was plentiful and support from their own community was extensive.

As the only girl in the family, Carmen grew up without many idols or role models. As travel and work were the primary means of survival, long-term stable relationships were not a priority. Between school, church, and domestic chores, there was little time for child's play and recreation. Things like music, sleepovers, sports, and window shopping were luxurious activities her American peers could afford.

Conservative in their values, Carmen was not allowed to date until she was married. As a result, she focused her attention on academics and dreamed vicarious other lives from stories heard from her classmates. The baseline assumption and narrative were that Carmen would graduate, marry, start a family, and work to secure stability for generations of Familia Castillo to come.

Carmen's vision of the future began to change upon meeting Officer Reyes, the high school's Resource Officer. This female uniformed policewoman broke every stereotype perpetuated by her family since crossing the border. Reyes was young, Mexican, and so not like her teachers and other adults in the school. Carmen found her joy and enthusiasm refreshing, especially when she would share her own story which paralleled her own in many ways.

Although Carmen had perceived her own family and lifestyle to be different than the majority of students around her, she never felt like she didn't belong. That changed towards the end of her sophomore year when Carmen was accused of stealing Courtney Williams' precious watch. For the first time in her life, Carmen had come face to face with stereotypes, assumptions, and racist dialogue she had only heard in novellas and family gossip.

Surprised, afraid, and subdued by disbelief; Carmen cried upon seeing Officer Castillo's arrival to the principal’s office. Thinking she was going to jail, Carmen sighed in relief as Officer Reyes was reminded everyone about the dangers of quick accusations and assumptions and that an investigation would be warranted to determine the truth of what happened. Carmen left school that day exonerated and with renewed belief that justice and truth will prevail in the end.

From that day forward Carmen visited Officer Reyes's office at least once a day. They shared stories about their families, difficulties, and exchanged dreams about their futures. Officer Reyes became a trusted Mentor and guide as Carmen explored her past, present, and future. Carmen questioned her about law, justice, Equity, and respect became real; her very existence embodied everything she and her family had been searching for.
Service Record 2006-2018: Primary & Secondary Education completion.
2017-2020: Enrolled in Police Cadet Program
2018-2020: Associates of Science Transfer Degree completion.
2020-2022: Transfer to Williams County Cadet Program
2020-2022: Bachelor of Science in Psychology completion.