
  • 9 Mission Posts

Last Post

07 Jun 2024 @ 0:19

Deputy Sheriff II Harrison Conway

Name Harrison Renaud Conway

Position Deputy Sheriff

Rank Deputy Sheriff II

Character Information

Gender Male
Nationality/Race American
Age 32
Date of Birth 02/07/1991

Physical Appearance

Height 5ft11
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue


Spouse None
Children None
Father Hudson Conway
Mother Charlotte Conway
Siblings(s) Michael Conway (36) - brother
Leon Conway (28) - brother
Charlie Conway (23) - sister
Emma Conway (18) - sister

Personality & Traits

Service Record 2008 - Graduates from education pathway
2009 to 2016 - joined US Marines, EOD
2016 to 2021 - Williams County Sheriffs' Office Deputy, patrol
2020-2023 - Deputy II